Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Oct./Nov. 2012: The Book of McCausland

Chapter 6: Let’s start with Miss Gay America! My last time at MGA was in 1988 – my how things can change in 24 years! Congratulations to Sally Sparkles, our new MGA 2013. Sally is young, thin, pretty, talented (yes i wanted to trip her on stage). I will be very excited when she comes to the 40th-anniversary of Miss Gay Missouri, April 11-13, 2013 right here in St. Louis at MCCGSL.
Michelle McCausland Talent at MGA 2013
I had an amazing time in Columbus, Ohio – I met lots of new people and reunited with some that I have known for years. I may not have won - as we all know, only one can win - but I did get a standing ovation for talent - (yeah!). The only bad thing to happen that week was the guys doing the valet parking at the host hotel side swiped my truck on something. A girl can't keep anything nice!

Now, it’s pageant time again! This past Sunday, Oct. 28 I gave up my title as Miss Spirit of St. Louis at Attitudes nightclub at the second annual preliminary promoted by Vital VOICE (Darin Slyman, Dieta Pepsi and Colin Murphy). Two great contestants battled it out for the crown. Congratulations to Miss Spirit of St. Louis 2013, Adria Andrews and First Alternate Nadia Louis. This coming weekend Miss City of Columbia will be on Saturday, November 3 and then I'm off to Miss Gay Springfield on Sunday, November 4. A total of eight contestants will have qualified for MGM 2013 - and we're not even into the new year! 
Miss Spirit of St. Louis
MISS CITY of COLUMBIA: Nov. 3, 2012
SoCo Club (128 E. Nifong CO MO) 9 p.m.
For info contact Atheena Voce:

Howard Johnsons/The Clarion (333 Glenstone SPFLD MO) 7 p.m.
For info contact Latisa Moore:

SoCo Club (128 E. Nifong CO MO) 9 p.m.
For info contact Atheena Voce:

MISS GAY ST. LOUIS: Feb. 17, 2013
Hamburger Mary’s St. Louis (3037 Olive StL MO) 9 p.m.
For info contact Jade Sincliar: jade@missjadesinclair.com

Miss Gay Missouri 2013
Michelle McCausland

November 2012: MGMA Board Letter

Dear Contestants,

I had not been back to Miss Gay America since Linda Carrero was crowned in 1999. For eight years I went to compete and placed in the top 10 six times - and five of those in the top 5. Well – I didn’t know what to expect after being gone for so long. Would they accept me? Would they even acknowledge me?  Most of my really close pageant friends had already won MGA and I felt a little nervous about seeing them. Well let me tell you, I was received with open arms! 
It was like time had never passed and this was yet the following year of MGA and I had the honor to dress the legendary Kofi. I think we were the only two out of our pageant class that hadn’t won, and she was coming back after being gone a lengthy period too. I am not going to lie, I was nervous and scared dressing a contestant because I wasn’t sure I still knew how to be a good dresser. But it was like riding a bicycle and it all came back to me. Some things you never forget how to do and after all those years being clean in a pageant was one of them. 
The former MGA’s couldn’t have been nicer. We talked, laughed and recalled the good ole pageant days when it was blood thirsty and girls would die to be MGA. Larry and Terry, the current MGA owners were so welcoming too. All in all it was a wonderful homecoming. Homecoming? Yes! That is what is was, a homecoming. I was coming home like a sister who had run away because she didn’t think she fit in. 
I guess what I’m trying to say is that MGA is like a family. No matter how much time has passed, a long lost family member is always welcomed home. No questions, no judgments. Just pour yourself a glass of sweet tea, sit on the porch swing and let’s talk about the ole days. 
Leon Braxton/Dieta Pepsi, MGMA 1991,
The Miss Gay Missouri, America Board of Directors

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