Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May/June 2012: The Book of McCausland

Chapter 1: Just how many years does it really take to make a dream come true?

I’m sure that it differs for each one of us, depending on the size of your dream. Some people can get it right away, others wait for many years, others may just give up - and as for me, I waited nearly 30 years for my dream to become a reality!

My journey began many years ago with my aspirations of becoming a Broadway star - feeling the floodlights, wearing the greasepaint and hearing the roar of the crowd. I left the small town of Mount Vernon, Illinois and moved to Saint Louis with these hopes and dreams but through those years of theatrical work, my life took a turn to another field of theatre, the art of female impersonation. This is where I found my place and where I could create a character. That character became “ Michelle McCausland.”

Before there was press on nails, internet or even any modern technology there was just plain, simple and outstanding talent in Missouri. I found my place in a community that has thrived through many tough times and I have seen and been a part of some of the best show bars and casts this country has to offer. After 30 years, I am proud to say I am still part of a working show bar and professional show cast that prides themselves on entertainment, professionalism and making sure the audience has that theatrical feel.
Michelle McCausland Crowned MGM 2012
Along the way I met two of the best performers who early on in life would be my influence and my introduction to The Miss Gay Missouri system, they where Georgia Brown and Zsa Zsa Principle. We were known as a threesome show at Faces and around the state. I started competing in pageantry because you were able to create something out of nothing with just the existence through a song, imagination and the glamour of evening gown - which was the infamous Rick Fortson who always helped me. So I started competing in (back then) what was the only state title around.

I competed and always managed to place in the top five, even having come close enough to be first alternate - so I always knew in my heart this was meant to be. As the years went by, I helped my friends, was in talent numbers, made sets and was always part of the MGMA experience. But there was something inside me that wasn’t complete. I never gave up - just stepped to the side as I watched my friends win.

Along the way, I met someone who would always have my back. They always gave me that extra push and told me that age has nothing to do with talent - that talent is the essence of every performer and that if this was your actual “dream” then you are the only one who has the power to make that come true.

So I thought  to myself: I want to be a part of something that has always been inside of me. I want to feel what my friends have felt and I want to be a part of that legacy for myself and the future entertainers. I came back, listened, competed and gave it my all - and at last my journey now has been completed. I heard my name announced your new Miss Gay Missouri for 2012 is MICHELLE McCAUSLAND!
MGM 2012 Court
So now my lifetime of thank yous begin……

Let’s start with “Sex, Inc.”:  Chuck, Michael and Dean…..every year they would say, “this is your year gal” and Dean would always give me all the change in his pocket, and say “here, I’ll help you out a little,” It didn’t really help, LOL, but the thought was awesome. Those 3 guys created some pretty great MGMs.  Chuck was there to see me win! Michael and Dean were watching from heaven, and I’m sure Dean was trying to throw quarters down to me for good luck!

Gosh, so many have passed away that pushed, and pushed, and pushed to get me where I am today!

Sasha Nicole may be a pain in the #*%, but she was there every night to yank and pull me together - and to get all the dancers when and where they needed to be and the sets and costumes - that’s at lot of stuff for one person to control - but she did it!  Thank you ever so much Sasha!

The Talent number for me was amazing! Alberto, you didn’t know me from Adam, but you assembled a most talented group of dancers to perform with me and choreographed an awesome number for me, which I never could have pulled off without you!

Madison Elise: “Go for it girl, you got this.”   I’m so glad that you were the one to put the crown on my head!

Coti Collins: “It's you dream, girl. Never give up.” Thanks for that last push; it was just what I needed!!!

Last but certainly not least, Tumara Mahorning: With all my heart and soul, I can’t say THANK YOU enough!  I LOVE YOU!!!


Miss Gay Missouri 2012
Michelle McCausland

Dear Contestants,

OMG! What a great pageant we had this year! First off, we want to thank all 19 contestants who competed and made this year’s Miss Gay Missouri, America pageant something to remember. Each of you were spectacular and on any other given night could have captured the crown.

Secondly, we want to thank Marty and the entire staff at The SoCo Club for their incredible hospitality. You guys and gals ROCK!  We’d also like to give a shout out to the staff and management at Wingate by Wyndham for making the place we called home for 5 days actually feel like home.

The MGM Board would like to take this moment to congratulate and welcome with open arms our newest sister, Michelle McCausland – Miss Gay Missouri, America 2012. Girl – you have a great year ahead of you! You have no idea how your life is about to change. We are here to support you every step of the way. Sisters support Sisters.

We also want to send congratulations to the rest of MGM 2012 Court – 1st Alternate, L’oreal; 2nd Alternate, Valari Knyte; 3rd Alternate, Adria Andrews and 4th Alternate, Kyla Breeze. You ladies were amazing and we would be honored to have any of you as our reigning symbol of excellence.

Lastly, as we prepare for the upcoming 40th Anniversary of Miss Gay Missouri, America, we encourage each of you to begin preparing immediately. Pick your preliminary, prepare your package and push it on through. (The 3 P’s: Pick, Prepare, Push!)  The 40th ain’t gonna be no joke and we know you’ll want to be a part of it.

If you need help in your preparation, we are here for you too. Sisters support Sisters.

See you in St. Louis,

The Miss Gay Missouri, America Board of Directors

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